Tuesday 1 July 2014

A Sporting Affair (part two)

This week's blog comes from Rochelle Reynolds, director of 'A Sporting Affair'.  

'A Sporting Affair' has been tremendous fun! We are just one rehearsal away from having the entire show on its feet, and have spent a great deal of time exploring the characters and delving below the surface of the script. Elizabeth, Tom and Serena have been joys to work with. They bring intelligence, dedication and wonderful senses of humour to every rehearsal, and I look forward to the next two weeks when everything starts coming together. 
The Envelope Project has been and will continue to be an incredibly rewarding experience. I have made lasting friends with the people I have met through the project and have been able to further develop my skills as a director on a fascinating new work. It is also a great privilege to be able to work so closely with Alice because it is so rare for a director and playwright to even be on the same continent together, let alone in the same rehearsal hall. I am curious to hear what she thinks of how I have tackled her story and look forward to feeling the rush of moving into the theatre and gearing up for opening night!
Tickets for The Envelope Project are on sale and can be purchased by calling 01904 613000 or visiting www.ridinglights.org/envelope

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